Our OFSTED Rating


We have been given “ GOOD” by OFSTED.

Some of the comments made are below:

  • The nursery is well led and managed and the staff team works well together to provide children with good-quality learning experiences.
  •  There are robust recruitment and checking processes, which work well in ensuring staff develop and maintain a secure understanding of their roles.
  • Children receive good levels of support because staff implement assessments well i, which enable staff to check and track children’s progress.
  • Partnerships on all levels are good and contribute well towards supporting children’s all round care and learning needs.

“Staff have a good knowledge and understanding of their roles in teaching and supporting children’s learning, which they facilitate well. As a result, children are making good progress in their learning and development and are becoming capable and confident learners.”

“The staff provide interesting, challenging activities that cover all areas of learning effectively. There are a number of opportunities for children to develop ideas through activities such as construction toys and puzzles, and as they count in daily activities. Children have access to a wide range of books; they enjoy spending time in the book area on their own as well as listening to stories read by staff. There is a constant flow of conversation as children engage in discussion with each other and staff while they play.”

“Children gain the early literacy and mathematical skills required for their move to school.”

“Partnerships with parents are good. From the beginning of their child’s placement parents are encouraged to share information with their children’s key person, who takes special responsibility for them. This knowledge provides staff with a clear baseline assessment of what children already know and can do. In turn, this helps staff to build on the children’s prior learning by planning what they need to learn next, which helps them progress well.”

“Staff use assessment arrangements appropriately to highlight children’s achievements and identify future targets. There are good arrangements for completing the progress check for children aged between two and three years. In addition, liaison with other professionals demonstrates the staff commitment to helping children achieve well. Staff have established links with schools. They work well to prepare children for change in nursery room, onto schools, and to other early years provisions.”

“Children are happy, content and well cared for by a caring staff team who show a genuine interest in helping children make progress. The children benefit from and enjoy a stimulating learning environment.”

“Babies receive good levels of care. Their emotional and individual needs are well understood and met by devoted staff. They form secure attachments and trusting relationships with their key person; consequently, they separate well from their main carers and settle down quickly into activities.”

“Babies demonstrate their secure attachments through positive interactions. They enjoy cuddles and close contact with staff who hold and cradle them, making them feel reassured. Babies enjoy exploring their environment, where there is an interesting range of toys and resources stored at their level, to promote independence. They show a keen interest and satisfy their natural curiosity, enjoying hunting through various interactive toys and the natural resources available. For example, they show much delight as they experience paint texture when they engage in a painting activity.”

“Children have good opportunities to engage in outdoor activities. Staff set up the outside environment is well to offer children good outdoor play opportunities. Older children enjoy choosing activities themselves, moving freely between the various areas in each room. They develop their physical skills as they negotiate their way round the large climbing frame in the garden. Staff take positive steps to make sure that each child is fully able to participate in nursery life. For example, staff find out key words in children’s home languages to understand what they want and meet these needs.”

“The nursery staff meet children’s health needs well. The children enjoy nutritious and balanced meals. Children’s individual dietary needs are well known and the staff provide appropriate alternatives for individual diets to meet the specific needs of each child.”

“Younger children have good opportunities to rest and sleep according to their needs as staff follow their individual routines from home. This approach supports continuity of care well for children, which helps them feel safe and secure. Children are emotionally secure and well prepared to change when they leave the nursery. Staff teach children good hygiene practices. Children learn to wash their hands at appropriate times throughout the day and older children tend to their personal needs as they go to the toilet independently.”

“The nursery is well led and managed. Checking systems are effective in achieving quality and maintaining consistency among the staff team. There is a clear purpose and vision between the management and staff team to provide good care and learning experiences for all children. Consequently, children are well cared for and they make good progress in their learning.”

“Arrangements for safeguarding and child protection are firmly understood by staff because these form part of the induction process and ongoing training. Hence, staff are secure in their understanding of their roles and the procedures to follow if they have a concern about a child’s welfare. Recruitment and vetting systems are rigorous and robust, which helps to ensure that staff are suitable for their roles in working with the children.”

“Strong partnerships with parents contribute well towards the overall care and learning of children. Parents express their satisfaction with the care provided and the progress that their children make. The nursery has established strong links with other professionals and other early years providers, with whom they attend meetings and regularly share examples of good practice. These liaisons have a positive impact on the improvements made to the quality of the nursery.”

To read our full OFSTED report click here.

Our OFSTED Unique Reference Number is 156214.